January '23

January '23

The Story

Your newest sock model was designed by the Supreme Sock Council. It is in their name that we wish you a very colorful new year. Even though we in Sockshire prefer to worship the shorter, sock-shipping cycles, we also pay homage to our planet’s full swing around the Sun.

Granted, we are not as zealous as the English folk of yore, who celebrated the solstice by erecting monoliths weighing several tonnes using only ropes and boards. We only hope that the effort of the Stonehenge builders was not in vain due to overcast conditions.

The winter solstice is perhaps a more natural beginning of the new year than 1 January, when there are fewer interesting celestial phenomena to be observed than on 21 December. This misalignment has been around since ancient Rome’s celebrations of the god Janus.

The Romans were in general very liberal, if not deliberate, with their approach to time. The length of their months was not fixed but rather determined by politics. It occasionally happened that a powerful politician would, rather than over-serving their mandate, simply extend the duration of their last month in office. This endearing mayhem was rectified by Julius Caesar, who assigned a fixed number of days to each month. Perhaps he would have reconsidered this decision, had he known Brutus’s intentions.

As it turns out, nobody considered the shift of New Year’s celebrations in either direction offensive. And no amount of bickering about this inconsequential scheduling should get in the way of a good celebration of a new terrestrial cycle around the Sun.


To ensure a pleasant tactile and visual experience while wearing this pair, we wove it from eighty percent cotton in four matching shades. The fifth shade adds an additional ten percent of polyamide, strengthening the resilience against wear and tear. The main structure of the sock contains five percent Lycra and five percent polypropylene. The latter ingredient ensures high tensile strength, while the former contributes greater elasticity and antibacterial protection.

Wishing you a pleasant sock-wearing experience,
The Supreme Sock Council

Edition: Men's socks

All socks from Sockfellows are designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic.


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