September '23

September '23

The Story

Membership with the Fellowship of the Sock is one of those rare opportunities in life that presents only benefits without posing any risk whatsoever. That means your membership ranks higher on the perkfulness scale than, e.g. consumption of the healthy but bloating broccoli and also lands above an invigorating but exhausting mountain hike.


To our great disbelief, the Supreme Sock Council has, however, recently witnessed the spread of a hoax that one’s membership may have some downsides. This amusing allegation claims that your visually magnetising sock companions may divert your sight from other pretty visual stimuli.

Supposedly, the glance receivers that incurred the most damages are situated in a different quadrant of one’s field of vision than the socks. We find such claims to be of a bogus nature, seeing that humans need no incentive to look up to the sky. That inclination flows in our very veins.

Thanks to the fastidiousness of anthropologists and archaeologists, what we have until recently thought to be dainty paintings of animals on the wall of a cave turned out to be millennia-old stellar calendars describing the night sky. On the cold winter nights, someone seems to have tried to read the stars to find out when winter would end and fresh mammoths would arrive.

Luckily, your delivery of fresh sockchandise is not contingent upon stellar maps. We use the much easier-to-follow lunar cycles instead. You therefore need not fear that your walls may be vandalized on account of your membership.




About 85 percent consists of dark-forest-green cotton yarn. We added 5 percent polyamide to increase the sock’s resilience to wear and tear.  

The remaining tenth comprises Lycra and polypropylene, which form the chassis of the sock. The latter ingredient ensures high tensile strength, while the former contributes greater elasticity and, thanks to its silver ions, antibacterial protection. 

May your steps be ever so clearly defined. 
Your Supreme Sock Council 

Edition: Men's socks

All socks from Sockfellows are designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic.


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